scottsdale daycare
scottsdale in home daycare
scottsdale in home daycare
in home daycare
scottsdale daycare
Meal Plan
Breakfast: Cheerios with Banana and Milk
Snack:  Muffins with Water
Lunch:  Turkey Triangle Sandwiches with Carrots and Milk
Snack:  Fig Newton’s with Water

Breakfast:  Waffles with Mixed Fruit and Milk
Snack:  Rice Crispies with Milk
Lunch:  Fish Sticks with Tater Tots and Veggies with Water
Snack:  Grahm Crackers with Water

Breakfast:  Muffins with Peaches and Milk
Snack:  Fig Newton’s with Water
Lunch:  Turkey Hot Dogs with Apples and Milk
Snack:  Fish Crackers with Water

Breakfast:  Pancakes with Blueberries and Milk
Snack:  Grahm Crackers with Water
Lunch:  Chicken Strips with String Cheese and Broccoli and Milk
Snack:  Nutri-Grain Bars with Water

Breakfast:  Rice Crispies with Milk
Snack: Pretzels and Apple slices with Water
Lunch:  Mac and Cheese with Carrots and Milk
Snack:  Vanilla Wafers with Water

Note:  If you wish to send food with your child in place of these meals you are more than welcome.

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